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How do I setup the Mx200 to send results using one button?
Última actualización hace 10 meses

Step 1. Open Settings

Click the “About” icon menu on the desktop screen


Step 2. Enter Setup

Click “Setup” within the “About” menu


Step 3. Enter Password

Under About > Setup > Password: enter password to enter supervisor mode


Step 4. Display Send Button

Under About> Setup> Desktop > Display send button: Change the parameter to “Top” to show the send function on the main desktop.


Step 5. RS232

Under About> Setup> RS232: Ensure that all parameters match the settings to the software you are exporting to. Then exit to the desktop screen by hitting the “Finish” button twice on the MX200 bezel or the “Home” icon


Step 6. Record a Program

Click the “Programs” icon in the top right of the desktop screen


Step 7. Creating A New Program

Click the “New Program” icon and assign the new program a numerical designation. Assign the program number as “1” then click “OK”


Step 8. Adding Data to Program

Push the “Send” icon on the top right of the desktop screen. Then Click the Data you want to send. Click “X” and “Y” then the “Green Checkmark” in the lower right of the screen.


Step 9. Edit Program

Push the “Record” icon then click the “Edit” icon


Step 10. Enable Macro

Important: Under the edit menu for the program, be sure to change “Macro:” to “Yes” then click the “Green Checkmark.


Step 11. Exit Programming

Click the “Back” icon to save and exit the program.


Assigning Macros to Keypad Buttons

Step 1. Enter Quick Keys, Then Number Pad

Enter About> Setup> Quick Keys> Number Pad


Step 2. Assigning the Macro

Under About> Setup> Quick Keys> Number Pad: Select the button on the number pad that you want to assign the program (0) written above to and then click “Assign.


Step 3. Program Number

Assign the program number the macro was set to, (1), then click “OK” from there you can return to the desktop screen.


Step 4. Executing the Program

You may now click the assigned button on the numerical keypad (0) from the desktop, and the macro will execute and send the data to the RS232 Port.


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